Source code for ska.low.mccs.utils

Module for MCCS utils
from functools import wraps
import inspect
import json
import jsonschema

from tango import Except, ErrSeverity
from tango.server import Device

[docs]def tango_raise(msg, reason="API_CommandFailed", severity=ErrSeverity.ERR, _origin=None): """Helper function to provide a concise way to throw `tango.Except.throw_exception` Example:: class MyDevice(Device): @command def some_command(self): if condition: pass else: tango_throw("Condition not true") :param msg: [description] :type msg: [type] :param reason: the tango api DevError description string, defaults to "API_CommandFailed" :type reason: str, optional :param severity: the tango error severity, defaults to `tango.ErrSeverity.ERR` :type severity: `tango.ErrSeverity`, optional :param _origin: the calling object name, defaults to None (autodetected) Note that autodetection only works for class methods not e.g. decorators :type _origin: str, optional """ if _origin is None: frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back calling_method = frame.f_code.co_name calling_class = frame.f_locals["self"].__class__ if Device not in inspect.getmro(calling_class): raise TypeError("Can only be used in a tango device instance") class_name = calling_class.__name__ _origin = f"{class_name}.{calling_method}()" Except.throw_exception(reason, msg, _origin, severity)
[docs]def call_with_json(func, **kwargs): """ Allows the calling of a command that accepts a JSON string as input, with the actual unserialised parameters. :param func: the function to call :ptype func: callable :param kwargs: parameters to be jsonified and passed to func :ptype kwargs: any :return: the return value of func :example: Suppose you need to use MccsMaster.Allocate() to command a master device to allocate certain stations and tiles to a subarray. Allocate() accepts a single JSON string argument. Instead of parameters={"id": id, "stations": stations, "tiles": tiles} json_string=json.dumps(parameters) master.Allocate(json_string) save yourself the trouble and call_with_json(master.Allocate, id=id, stations=stations, tiles=tiles) """ return func(json.dumps(kwargs))
[docs]class json_input: """ Method decorator that parses and validates JSON input into a python object. The wrapped method is thus called with a JSON string, but can be implemented as if it had been passed an object. If the string cannot be parsed as JSON, an exception is raised. :param schema_path: an optional path to a schema against which the JSON should be validated. Not working at the moment, so leave it None. :ptype: string :raises FileNotFoundException: if no file is found at the schema path provided :raises json.JSONDecodeError: if the file at the specified schema path is not valid JSON :example: Conceptually, MccsMaster.Allocate() takes as arguments a subarray id, an array of stations, and an array of tiles. In practice, however, these arguments are encoded into a JSON string. Implement the function with its conceptual parameters, then wrap it in this decorator: @json_input def MccsMaster.Allocate(id, stations, tiles): The decorator will provide the JSON interface and handle the decoding for you. """ def __init__(self, schema_path=None): """ Initialises a callable json_input object, to function as a device method generator. """ self.schema = None if schema_path is not None: with open(schema_path, "r") as schema_file: schema_string = self.schema = json.loads(schema_string) def __call__(self, func): """ The decorator method. Makes this class callable, and ensures that when called on a device method, a wrapped method is returned. :param func: The target of the decorator :type func: function """ @wraps(func) def wrapped(cls, json_string): json_object = self._parse(json_string, func.__name__) return func(cls, **json_object) return wrapped def _parse(self, json_string, origin): """ Parses and validates the JSON string input. :param json_string: a string, purportedly a JSON-encoded object :type json_string: str :param origin: the origin of this check; used to construct a helpful DevFailed exception. :type origin: str :raises json.JSONDecodeError if the string cannot be decoded as a JSON string :raises jsonschema.ValidationError if the decoded JSON object does not validate against a schema """ json_object = json.loads(json_string) if self.schema is not None: jsonschema.validate(json_object, self.schema) return json_object